Monday, March 24, 2014

      I believe that the city can be more open-minded about Climate Change if they are more aware of the situation. Reading the New York Times Article , New York is Lagging as seas and risks rise, critics warm Navarro stated something that i felt was very important for us New Yorkers to pay attention to . Navarro writes "Officials in New York caution that adapting a city of eight million people to climate change is infinitely more complicated and that the costs must be weighed against the relative risks of flooding. The last time a hurricane made landfall directly in New York City was more than a century ago"(Navarro).  I do agree with this quota that is is very much complicated adapting a city full with eight million people to Climate Change. i also feel that those eight million should be aware of these things and not to be so close minded about situations like this especially Climate Change. people then to think that since we live NYC  things like this cannot happen to us or at least not as bad. and this is wear people are wrong. The state of mind that these people are in feel like we are untouchable and this is what happen when Sandy hit and we were not prepared and i feel that we can never prepare for Climate Change cause we simply are not ready.

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