Monday, April 21, 2014

"Sandy Storyline"

 This blog is about victims that lived hurricane sandy.We were told to pick two stories on the "Sandy Storyline".. No one expect for hurricane sandy to hit New York City that hard. Everyone was in the state of mind that we were not going to get hit ,A lot of people were not  prepare for the storm at all. Linda Restanio and her family walked to the beach to check on the water . Not knowing the dangerous these waves would be & how much damage it was going to cause to theirhomes . Linda stated "usually everybody gets excited with a storm" (Linda Resnanio). But everything was destroy.  No one expect for this hurricane to hit so hard. Hurricane Sandy took people lives, destroy people homes and properties. It left bad memory in New York City. Debbie Turner & her daughter Ayla lived in their home for about 6-7 year before Sandy storm hit . She was 8 months pregnant when the storm hit. Which made it difficult for her . As shown in the video her  home was destroy she had no wall, furniture, light, gas. She has been waiting for FEMA to send her money to rebuild her house . They lost her paper work twice . Which kind've of ridiculous in her condition with a daughter and a newborn. The government didn't know how to handle the situation. so they just try to get rid of people by find them a temporary home. Turner states "The government doesn't know what they really doing with us" (Debbie Turner). 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Carmen, first of all I want to tell you that overall you did a pretty good job on this blog. However, I think you could have organized it better. Also, i felt as if there was no introduction at all, Maybe you could have expanded it more. I also noticed that you did not explain the last quote you used. do you agree/disagree with the quote?, in other words, how do do you feel about it. Another thing, read the blog before posting it in case there are some grammar mistakes. Nevertheless, I think you did a good job.
