Monday, March 24, 2014

      I believe that the city can be more open-minded about Climate Change if they are more aware of the situation. Reading the New York Times Article , New York is Lagging as seas and risks rise, critics warm Navarro stated something that i felt was very important for us New Yorkers to pay attention to . Navarro writes "Officials in New York caution that adapting a city of eight million people to climate change is infinitely more complicated and that the costs must be weighed against the relative risks of flooding. The last time a hurricane made landfall directly in New York City was more than a century ago"(Navarro).  I do agree with this quota that is is very much complicated adapting a city full with eight million people to Climate Change. i also feel that those eight million should be aware of these things and not to be so close minded about situations like this especially Climate Change. people then to think that since we live NYC  things like this cannot happen to us or at least not as bad. and this is wear people are wrong. The state of mind that these people are in feel like we are untouchable and this is what happen when Sandy hit and we were not prepared and i feel that we can never prepare for Climate Change cause we simply are not ready.
     Based on the feedback that i received from my classmates from my peer review , got some ideas on my thesis statement. My classmates also explain to me that i have a lot of information and a lot of details to work with and to put into  my letter. They basically showed me what i was missing to have a great paper. I will be going to the writing center as well once i complete my whole draft to fix any other things to have a great paper. I feel that this peer review helped me.

Monday, March 17, 2014

I feel what the article was trying to come across or to get people attention which was a main point that we need to take these warnings a little more seriously. Also the need for  environmental awareness. lot of people tend to feel or even think that since we live in New York and since its not a tropical area that we will never have to experience a "Tropical Storm" . and that's were people fail to realize that over the years climate change is big, and is getting worse and worse over the years and its not joke. i feel that people need to realize everything that is going on and to be more aware of it, and try to take it more seriously rather then just something so little like it wont get worst. After all it is a world we are all living in and people should take the time to know that all of this is real .

Monday, March 10, 2014

Climate Casino

In The Climate Casino William Nordhaus said "they accumulate in the atmosphere and stay there for a long time ."  I feel that what the paragraph is trying to let readers know what is the ultimate source of Global Warming, such as that fossil burning which leads to emissions of carbon dioxide and that all of them are accumulated into the atmosphere and they stay there for a very long time. and that all of this resulting impacts in change of temperatures as well as temperatures extreme. So what i feel that the author is trying to let us know is to WAKE UP and realize that this is all real and not a joke , we should take this stuff seriously .